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Waves Come In Sets

Sale price$18.98

By Dani Kreeft

Life isn't happening anywhere else but here.

This is a collection of nearly 300 pieces written in the weeks, months and years of Dani's nomadic life. Each one was born from paying attention to what was right in front of her - whether that was in the ancient silence of Parrocchia San Nicolò di Bari in Sicily or in the face of a fed up writer eating eggs a few diner stools down in LA or in the internal geysers of existential questions fizzing from within. As she lived and distilled them into words, Dani found a simple revelation burned into every single one: Life can only and will only meet you in the very minute you're in. This second is the only pinhole it has; the only pinhole you have. There is no other time.

Waves Come In Sets
Waves Come In Sets Sale price$18.98